I. Am. Back.!

Hey!!!! Today I am celebrating my 6th year in recovery from illicit drugs! It feels amazing to be at this point in my life! In the last 72 hours I’ve written 3 papers for graduate school and have formatted my 2 published ebooks into paperback versions on Amazon! Celebrate with me!!!! So many big things happening! Stay tuned for more writing as I will be doing more now that grad school is coming to an end! Continue reading I. Am. Back.!

The Spider

The spider weaves his web so beautifully spun. I often wonder if I could be a spider and spin a web so perfect. The spider uses his new spun home to catch his prey. He delicately but skillfully wraps up his dinner to save for later. A bug. A mere defenseless bug. I wonder if you screamed like I screamed, being all wrapped up. Can you not breathe like I couldn’t breathe, being so wrapped up tight. Lying in web, waiting for my demise. A friend joins me, also stuck in the predatory grasp of the beautifully spun web. Here … Continue reading The Spider

Check out my Memoir!

Available on Amazon Kindle! I know you’ll love it! A Lot: A Survival Memoir Through Mental Health, Addiction, and Abuse is a terrifyingly real journey through different variations of hell. From managing mental health issues at an early age, to dealing with addictions, as well as abuse that has occurred surrounding these experiences. A Lot is a personal account of my life experiences which has been mainly tumultuous. I feel like I have experienced some very large and catastrophic events in my life and I wanted to share my story for multiple reasons. I want to educate, I want to … Continue reading Check out my Memoir!